The National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) developed the Palliative Care: Conversations Matter® campaign to increase the use of palliative care for children and teens living with serious illnesses. The campaign includes materials to assist health care providers in starting and continuing conversations about pediatric palliative care with their patients and patients’ families.

Free Resources

cover of palliative brochure provider with patient

Order or download free science-based materials such as videos, tear-off pads, resource cards, fact sheets, a provider toolkit, and brochures for health care providers and for families with seriously ill children.


Pediatric Palliative Care: A Personal Story

still shot from personal story video

“Palliative care is the support mechanism that kept my sanity,” says Rachel’s mom.

This brief video that shares the story of Rachel—a pediatric neuroblastoma patient—and her family.

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Meet a Pediatric Palliative Care Nurse

photo of Suzanne Gynnne

“Our job is to listen to what that family needs or wants for the child and do whatever we can to make it happen.” That’s how Suzanne Gwynne describes her work.

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Pediatric Palliative Care Tear-off Pad

image of tearpad with questions

The tear-off pad includes tips, resources, and answers to common questions about palliative care to help encourage interactive discussions with health care providers and their patients, families and caregivers. It also includes customizable patient education sheets that can be filled out during patient visits. Download or order free copies in English or Spanish.
