NEW – Hospice and Palliative Care Handbook Quality, Compliance, and Reimbursement (Case of 26)


New 4th Edition!

This well-known book’s 4th edition offers concise, focused information about hospice and palliative care for clinicians, managers, and other team members who provide important care while meeting multilevel regulations. This newest fourth edition, helps hospice and palliative care team members meet quality, coverage, and reimbursement requirements in care, care planning, practice, and documentation. Filled with key topics such as professional standards and guidelines, bereavement services, caregiver considerations, outcomes, goals, and quality, this comprehensive book provides the tools hospice team members need for success. Hospice diagnoses and care planning topics include cancer care, cardiac and cerebrovascular accident (stroke) care, liver disease care, neurologic disease care and other care problems seen in hospice. Presented in a conversational manner, numerous Medicare, regulatory and other requirements are addressed. Tips for supporting quality, safety, and eligibility and quality metrics are also presented. The specific role of team members such as the hospice nurse, hospice aide, social worker, volunteers, spiritual counselor, and others are addressed. This is your go-to guide for patient/family/caregiver engagement and education by system as well as to support the provision of compassionate, individualized hospice care.

Hospice & Palliative Care Handbook, Fourth Edition, offers updated coverage of all aspects of hospice and palliative care for the entire healthcare team who provide important care while meeting difficult multilevel regulations. This edition includes examples and strategies covering key topics related to standards, guidelines, goals, and effective care planning. New to this edition are:
• Expanded pediatric and geriatric clinical care guidelines
• More robust details on symptoms and staging scales
• Updates on frailty, age-friendly practices, and evidence-based care

Hospice & Palliative Care Handbook: Quality, Documentation, and Reimbursement, Fourth Edition
By Tina M. Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN, with Jennifer Kennedy, EdD, BSN, RN, CHC
Published by Sigma, 2023
ISBN-13: 9781646480852
Price: US $49.95
326 pages

1 in stock



  1. Betty Ferrell

    This book is a perfect blend of compassion and competence that addresses the core values of care, the interdisciplinary team, self-care of staff, and the needs of an aging society.

    – Betty Ferrell, PhD, FAAN, FPCN, CHPN
    Professor and Director, Nursing Research, City of Hope Medical Center
    Principal Investigator, End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium

  2. Emily Lupton Wagner

    I REALLY like this book.

    I have been using Marrelli books in Home Health for years. The Hospice books is every bit as good.

    – Emily Lupton Wagner

  3. Nikki Coffin

    Tina Marrelli provides an outstanding and resourceful tool for staff, management, and administrators of hospice and palliative care. Her expertise and passion for patient-care quality is evident. Her knowledge of regulatory and compliance expectations is clearly presented and a great asset. Examples and case studies are an empowerment for learning. And the post COVID-19 observations of health disparity and impact on professional nursing help define current hospice and palliative care practice.

    – Nikki Coffin, MS, RN
    Home Care and Hospice Surveyor
    The Joint Commission (Retired)

  4. Mary Helen Tieken

    I just received Hospice & Palliative Care Handbook, Third Edition, by Tina M. Marrelli. It is an excellent resource with quality, compliance, and reimbursement issues addressed in an easy to read format – I will be using it as a tutorial for my hospice staff. Gives a few of the major diagnoses with eligibility, teaching, safety, care planning ideas with great explanations on how to address those patients who seem to plateau. The author is the one who wrote the Little Red Books (many of us used those books early on in home health). I’ve been in hospice for a very long time and this is one of the best books I have found for using to teach staff and provide guidance for hospice care and documentation. It’s small in size and would be easy for staff to carry around. It addresses all disciplines, too. And, No, I am not getting paid to say this – it really is that good.
    – Mary Helen Tieken, RN, BSN

  5. Kenneth L. Miller

    Hospice & Palliative Care Handbook, Fourth Edition, is a must-have for administrators and clinicians because it perfectly weaves together clinical practice and the regulations that govern hospice care. This book is very comprehensive and easy to navigate. It has useful information for novice and seasoned clinicians and administrators and should be a staple for new orientation/onboarding, annual competency training, and when developing policies and procedures.

    – Kenneth L. Miller, PT, DPT
    Board Certified Clinical Specialist
    Assistant Professor
    College of Health Professions, Division of Physical Therapy
    Medical University of South Carolina

  6. Lisa A. Gorski

    Tina Marrelli is a well-known home care and hospice expert. Her Hospice & Palliative Care Handbook is a classic work, now in its fourth edition. Clinicians must not only be caring and compassionate, but also knowledgeable and competent in managing are during the most difficult of times for patients and their families and caregivers. This book is a must-have resource for every clinician who provides this very special care.

    – Lisa A. Gorski, MS, RN, HHCNS-BC, CRNI, FAAN
    Clinical Education Specialist
    Ascension At Home

  7. Cindy Frazier

    If you are passionate about hospice and end-of-life care, then add Hospice & Palliative Care Handbook, Fourth Edition, to your must-read book list. This handbook empowers leaders to ensure the highest quality of hospice and palliative care is provided. Tina Marrelli has, once again, created an exceptional resource for those of us determined to make an impact in this industry. I am personally grateful for her dedication.

    – Cindy Frazier, BA
    Vice President of Operations, Fortis Home Health and Hospice, LLC
    President, Louisiana Mississippi Hospice and Palliative Care Organization

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